Fully Insured and Bonded, CA State License# PPO 15857


What is the benefit of using contracted security services?
Premier Nationwide Security Services Inc. is passionate about helping people when they need it the most. We will be with you every step of the way. The most important benefit is simple convenience to the customer. We will handle personnel hiring, training, pay employee wages, taxes, unemployment benefits, social security/medicare taxes, and all ensure that all licensing requirements are met. We will usually supply all the required equipment such as uniforms, badges, identification, flashlights, two-way radios, etc.
Why should I hire your company for my security needs?
Because we believe we are the best in our field. Our clients tell us the Premier Nationwide Security has a quality-based, result-oriented approach that continues to set us apart from the competition. What’s at the core of our success? It’s a blend of quality people, industry-leading training, and dedication to customer service, all of which are supported and facilitated by state-of-the-art technology, as well as a local management presence.
Is your company licensed, insured and bonded?
Absolutely. Official regulations require us to carry a minimum general liability insurance. However, we carry well above this minimum. We also carry appropriate workers comp and unemployment insurance. Proof of coverage is provided to all clients. Clients have the option of being listed as a named or additional insured on our policy. Our industry licenses are issued from the California bureau of security & investigative services. Premier Nationwide Security Services Inc. California State license No. PPO 15857.
Can your company provide armed security officers?
Absolutely. We have several security officers that are properly licensed to carry firearms. These officers are licensed to carry their authorized firearm anywhere in California while on duty. This license is a special license for the private security industry (not a regular firearm or weapons license that citizens can obtain) and requires several hours of classroom, hands-on and firing range training. In addition, the officer must qualify (show proficiency) with their weapon routinely as a requirement of maintaining their license. The officer may only carry the same type of firearm as they trained and qualified with.
What type of uniforms do you have?
Our security officers use distinctive uniforms and other items to distinguish their status and company affiliation. Our standard uniform consisting of a white shirt and black trousers. The shirts have military creases, patches, brass nameplates and appropriate rank insignia. We also have a more casual soft dress uniform consisting of a white shirt, black trousers, navy blue coat and a tie. We also have golf style polo shirt with slacks. Some special operations such as bike patrol require special uniforms.
Can officers be in plain clothes instead of a uniform?
However, you must specifically request that we operate in plain clothes.
I am not good with computers, can I order over the phone?
Absolutely. Just give us a call, and we will take it from there.
Do you provide discounts?
Yes. Please contact us for further details.
Do you offer alternatives to foot patrol?
Yes. We can offer a motor vehicle patrol (using an unmarked vehicle or marked security vehicle with flashing lights). Or we can have our officers use a golf cart or bicycle to patrol.
How are rates determined?
Can be complex and are determined by several factors such as, site location, total number of hours per billing cycle, whether you need unarmed or armed officers, whether you need us to provide a patrol vehicle, type of patrol vehicle provided (golf cart, motor vehicle, bike, etc.), whether the assignment is temporary or permanent, complexity of duties.
How much experience do your security officers have?
Our security officers range in experience from 1 or 2 years to 10+ years of security experience from a variety of backgrounds including military, law enforcement and security.
What training has your security officers undergone?
All permier Nationwide Security Services Inc. security officers are required to go through security officer training. Including but not limited total: Powers to arrest (security guard roles and responsibilities) – 4 hours, Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism Awareness – 4 hours, Publc Relations (how to deal with the community and the customer) – 4 hours, Observation & Documentation (appropriate techniques in report writing) – 4 hours, Communication and its significance (who, what, where, when, why) -4 hours. CPR / First Aid Certifications, Automated External Defibrilation (AED), Post Orders, On-the-job Site-Specific Training, California state mandated AB 2880 refresher courses.
What requirements do you have for your armed security officers?
Armed security officers are required to undergo the same training as unarmed guards and must also pass a course in the carrying and use of firearms. The course is 14 hours, 8 of those hours are in the classroom and 6 hours take place on the shooting-range.
Do you conduct a background check on your security personnel?
Yes, Background checks are conducted through a third party that does fingerprinting through both the California Department of justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. To work as a security officer, all employees must be at least 18 years old and cannot have any felonies.
What happens if the guard gets injured? or if something happens to my property?
We are very pro active in our field. However, accidents can happen. We’re always prepared for that. We are fully bonded and insured.
Can I get a 1099 from your company?
What kind of services do you provide?
Premier Nationwide Security Services Inc. offer long term and temporary armed / unarmed security services for clients homes, workplace and communities by providing consistent, reliable, and professional security officers to protect their assets and maintain their ability to gererate profits.
Do you provide metal detectors?
Do you have bilingual security officers?
Yes, with advance notice, we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
Do you charge taxes or any additional fees?
All taxes are included on the proposal or invoice, and we guarantee there will never be additional chages.
When can I pay for your services?
All invoices have a standard payment term of 14 days from issue date. Its negotiable.

Industry Expertise

We work in a variety of industries. We’d like to understand your goals, objectives, and challenges so we can provide you with tailored, industry-specific solutions. Below are some of the ones we specialize in:

Entertainment Industry

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Corporate Security

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Government Institutions

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Financial Institutions

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Special Events

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Cannabis Security

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Retail / Loss Prevention

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Fire Watch

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Executive Protection

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What to Expect from Our Trained Security Professionals?

Our staff is distinguished by their commitment to go the extra mile. As our customer, you can expect the following from our security officers:

  • Conduct: Our security officers will always conduct themselves in a high-grade, helpful manner.
  • Courtesy: Our security officers will extend the maximum level of courtesy to your personnel and the people that you serve.
  • Proper Image: We train our security officers to be vigilant, aware, and alert at all times. 
  • Proper Appearance: Our security officers will wear the appropriate uniform during their shift. (You may choose from our uniform selection to confirm which attire would suit your requirements.)
  • Proper Attitude: Our security personnel will always present a positive and professional attitude on the job. We categorize friendliness and convenience as essential traits.